Rename The Extension Of Multiple Files Trough The Console
Sometimes I have to switch from Linux to Windows and vice versa.
And under both operating systems I use the Transmission torrent client. I've set up a Linux to boot the torrent files from the Windows directory. The problem is that in such cases Transmission for Linux adds the extension "* .added".
If the files are dozens, one should consider automated renaming in order to save time. I have a few options that do work for remove of "*.added" extension:
Pure Bash:
for file in * .added; do mv "$ file" "$ {file% .added}"; done;
Rename command:
rename 's / .added $ //' * .added
Or even:
rename .sss .txt * .sssmmv command
For Ubuntu use this command top get the software:
sudo apt-get install mmv
If you use CygWin on Windows, you'll need to install it with the installer:
mmv - rename multiple files
After that use:
mmv '* .added' '# 1'
If we want to rename the extensions:
mmv '* .html' '# 1.txt'
In this case I not renaming but removing the extension. But you can use them for renaming as well.
Under Windows use CygWin.